
About Us


This Calculator is a tool developed by us that enables the calculation of a product's carbon footprint quickly and easily. It is designed for use by upcycling textile manufacturers and brands to evaluate the emissions intensity of their products through simplified life cycle analysis, using a combination of datasets and research papers.

This tool gives the manufacturers and brands the statistics of total carbon emissions of their products and most importantly the carbon emissions that they have saved by choosing to make that product by using post-consumer apparel or textile waste.


Our Mission

Our mission is to enable upcycling textile manufacturers and brands to quickly and accurately calculate the carbon footprint of their products.

Frequently Ask Questions

What Mostly People Ask Us About

Emission factors used by The Calculator are sourced from reputable databases such as Ecoinvent and Exiobase. These factors are carefully selected to be representative of specific processes and geographically appropriate, covering all necessary stages from raw materials to processed states.

Transport emissions are calculated using factors that account for the distance, shipment weight, and mode of transport, with specific adjustments made based on the type of transport involved. This ensures accurate tracking and assessment of the transport's impact on the overall carbon footprint.

The Calculator adopts a cradle-to-grave perspective, considering the stages of material acquisition, processing, and assembly while excluding distribution to consumers, product use, and end-of-life phases. Emissions are calculated per functional unit, defined as 1 unit of product by total weight.

The Calculator's methodology complies with ISO 14040 and ISO 14067 standards, focusing on the global warming potential of greenhouse gases over a 100-year period. It accounts for emissions from fossil sources, biogenic sources, and direct land use changes, all expressed in carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e).


Our Work Process​

Way To Reach Success

process 1

Product Details

process 2

Material Acquisition

process 3

Processing & Packaging

process 4

Product Assembly and Distribution


Your Green Mission, Our Accurate Calculations.